THREADING | Solid Carbide and Indexable Thread Mills

XTP TAP TAS HPU APX 4TX REV OPN SSD ACP BTA WHL CRT ALV BRN THM 1 N10 2 N20 3 N30 N40 4 N50 5 N60 N70 6 N80 N90 N10




Turn on spindle in the clockwise direction.

Lower tool the depth required plus an additional 1/8 pitch for the arc on. Tool remains in the center of the hole.



Z -10.250

F 1136.25

Position the tool for the arc on motion and turn on the cutter compensation.


X 1.015

Y 1.015


F 681.75

Arc on to engage the tool to the major thread diameter while moving the tool up in the Z-axis 1/8 pitch. NOTE : X and Y is the end point. I and J is the center point of the arc.


X -1.015

Y 1.015

Z 0.250

I -1.015


F 227.37

Full pass. Interpolate the thread mill inside the major thread diameter while moving the tool up 1 pitch in the Z axis.


X 0.000

Y 0.000

Z 2.000

I 0.000

J -2.030

Arc off to disengage the tool from the major thread diameter while moving the tool up in the Z-axis 1/8 pitch.


X -1.015

Y -1.015

Z 0.250

I 0.000

J -1.015

F 909.00

Return to center. Turn off cutter compensation and move the tool back to center.



X 1.015

Y -1.015

F 1136.25

Return to top. Rapid the tool back to the top of the threaded hole.


Z 7.750

Switch back to absolute positioning and rapid to a safe point in Z above part level (assumed to be 1 pitch above part level for demonstration purposes below).


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6


N30 - N40


N60 - N70

N80 - N90

• Preparatory commands • Positioning above hole center and at hole level in Z • In absolute position mode

• Change to

• Activate left cutter comp • Feed to arc on position • Arc to full rotation value while moving Z up 1/8 pitch • Z axis move for arc on

• One complete CCW rotation at full arc rotation value while moving Z up 1 pitch value

• CCW arc from full

• Rapid up in Z

incremental • Feed to bottom of hole • Z axis depth for full thread

rotation value to the arc on/off value while moving Z up 1/8 pitch (Z axis move for arc off)

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