Troubleshooting Guide
Oversized Hole • Reamer is running eccentric to the center of the machine spindle
Use modular system with radial adjustment
• Excessive misalignment causing reamer to cut on back taper
Fix the misalignment
• Material buildup on cuƫng edges
Replace the coolant or change the cuƫng speed
• Reamer diameter is too large
Use smaller reamer or regrind exisƟng reamer
Undersized Hole • The reamer diameter is too small
Use larger reamer
• The reamer diameter is worn
Expand, regrind, or replace the reamer
• The coolant is not suitable
Replace the coolant
• Stock allowance is too small • The cuƫng speed is too low
Increase the stock allowance
Increase the cuƫng speed
Tapered Hole • Excessive misalignment
Correct the misalignment
Burr at Hole Entry • Excessive misalignment
Correct the misalignment
Hole is Not Straight • Concentricity and alignment error between the workpiece and the tool
Correct the misalignment and use the
modular system with radial adjustment • Asymmetrical cuƫng or angled surfaces
Create a chamfer on the lead-in
Poor Hole Finish • One cuƫng edge is chipped
Regrind the reamer
• The lead-in is irregular Regrind the reamer • Back taper on the cuƫng edge is too great
Regrind the reamer
• Excessive misalignment
Correct the misalignment or use the modular system
• Cuƫng data is not correct
Verify the cuƫng data
• Poor chip evacuaƟon
Verify the coolant volume and pressure or use through-tool coolant
Reamer Creates Excessive Torque Loading • Back taper on the cuƫng edge is too small
Regrind the reamer
• The radially ground land is too wide
Regrind the reamer
• The coolant is not suitable
Replace the coolant
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